
New Members

Things You Need in Pony Club--Step by Step

When you are a new member...


  1. To UnMounted Meetings:  PC Casual Attire (neat & workmanlike, collared shirt, sleeves); medical armband; pin; If around horses, then horse-safe footwear, parents too.

  • Medical Armband:  While there are several brands of medical bracelets and all are acceptable, below is a coupon code for the ROAD ID Medical bracelet.  A medical bracelet is required to wear at all mounted and unmounted pony club events. 



  • Medical Bracelets must visibly list these six items on them: Name and Date of Birth, Contact Information, Known Allergies, Current Medications, and Existing Medical Conditions. More information is acceptable, but these six items are required to be on the bracelet. 
  • Are all six items required to be on the bracelet?
    • Yes, blank information is not acceptable. If there are no known allergies, then that item should read NKA (no known allergies) or NKDA (for no known drug allergies). If there are no current medications or existing medical conditions those items should say NONE.

2.  Collared shirt with sleeves (no tank tops)

  • How do I buy a club shirt or other spirit wear?

3.  A Pony Club Pin

  • The Pony Club Pin will arrive in the mail with your formal welcome packet from USPC.  You may buy additional pins from Shop Pony Club
  1. To Mounted Meetings:  PC Casual Attire (neat & workmanlike, collared shirt, sleeves); medical armband; USPC pin; riding boots with heel, helmet.


  1. USPC Manual of Horsemanship: Basics for Beginners - D Level

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